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Jonathan Stallick

In a blog which whose focus is partly on homeopathic bird remedies (and by this I mean made from birds not treating birds) it’s appropriate that I might ruffle a few feathers!


Man has always had a tendency to stick to the tried and trusted and homeopaths are no different. The homeopathic polychrests (for non-homeopaths polychrests are like the broad spectrum antibiotics of homeopathy; they cover more of the people more of the time) have become like these great monoliths, and because they have been used and explored more they stand out like beacons, seemingly curing all of mankind’s ills.


But in my experience solely using the well known polychrests results in a one dimensional practice that can help but often not cure (which is not to dismiss the help that they can give). Patients are squeezed into these great archetypes whether they truly fit or not.  And all non-polychrests are demoted to the category of  ‘small remedies,’ used as standbys on the basis of one or two red line symptoms. 


But surely ‘small remedies’ are only small because they are not as well known as the polychrests. They just haven’t been explored to the same degree. With the polychrests we have strong mental themes and this is usually missing from the ‘small remedies. One of my joys has been to witness the unfolding of many of these ‘small remedies’ over the last 20 years.


It’s like meeting new friends, being given subtle new colours and hues to our homeopathic pallet that allows us to match our patients more closely, find the true simillimums and add depth to our practice.  To continue the bird metaphor, development of our materia medica allows us to spread our wings and really fly!


Bird Remedies

Jonathan Shore is the great pioneer who opened up the idea of using homeopathic remedies made from birds. I’ve found them very useful in my practice. They can be useful for patients who:

·      need freedom in their lives;

·      cosmopolitan/gossiping/vivacious

·      have a bird like quality (small boned, chattering, flitting, colourful etc),

·      easily suppressed/tethered;

·      Aim high but ‘crash’ (e.g. business)

·      Artistic but impractical

·      have abuse/guilt issues;

·      high metabolism

·      have a strong tubercular taint

·      stiff neck and shoulders

·      migraine


I have used Haeliatus Leucocephalus (Bald Eagle) which is a wonderful remedy for ‘Eagle-eyed’ business people who have big ambitions but fail; it is also a remedy to think of In parents who have lost a child (DD: Adamas, Umbilicus Repestris).

Corvus Corvus Corax (Raven) is a great remedy for people who feel abused and need to speak their truth but are quite dramatic about this, making a big ‘song and dance’. They often feel abused/trapped in various partner and family situations (they are sometimes involved in looking after ageing family members or they can be care home workers).

Other nice keynotes (use these as a leaping off point to study the remedies)  are:

Apus Apus (Swallow) for sleeplessness and worry about ageing family members; how they will look after them; will they need to be put in a care home, for example.

Pavo Cristatus (Peacock) is a remedy to think of for rather arrogant people who need to say their truth regardless of who they hurt in the process.

Cygnus Cygnus (Swan) is worth thinking of for someone who is obsessed with having a romantic relationship (DD: Rose Quartz; Tilia Europea); or misses a loved one terribly.

Columba Palmbus (Wood pigeon/dove) can look like Staphysagria for people who keep the peace in a family situation. They are often to be found looking after sick loved ones and yearn for more freedom.

In conclusion, embracing a broader spectrum of homeopathic remedies, particularly those derived from birds, offers exciting possibilities for enhancing our healing practices. By stepping beyond the confines of established polychrests and exploring the rich subtleties of lesser-known remedies, we can more precisely match treatments to individual needs. This not only deepens our understanding and application of homeopathy but also honors the complexity of each patient’s journey toward health. As we continue to expand our materia medica, we allow our practice to take flight, invigorating it with fresh insights and renewed potential. Through this exploration, we can better support our patients in achieving true wellness, one uniquely suited remedy at a time.



Join me for an exciting journey to discover fascinating remedies from the Bird Kingdom.

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