Aconite and Arnica are familiar faces in treating shock and trauma. However, within the intricate depths of the human body, shock and trauma can linger, concealed in various forms. It is in these hidden recesses that a remarkable remedy, Opium, emerges as the key to unlocking the body's profound healing potential.
In the East, regions including Asia Minor, Persia, India, and China have long cultivated the white Papaver Somniferum, commonly known as the poppy, for its narcotic properties. Fortunately, our own red poppy lacks these properties, making it a safer choice for garden displays. They are also cultivated in colder climates like England, Russia, and Yugoslavia.The Papaver Somniferum belongs to the Papaveraceae family, a group that includes several other plants valuable in homeopathy, such as Chelidonium, Sanguinaria, and Corydalis.
Opium, as a remedy, traces its etymology back to the Greek word "opos," signifying "juice." It is derived from the air-dried juice obtained by making incisions in the capsules of the white poppy, Papaver Somniferum. .
Opium is a remarkably intricate substance, comprising approximately twenty-five alkaloids in conjunction with meconic, lactic, and sulfuric acids. Among these, morphine, often found in combination with meconic acid, holds the utmost significance. Following closely in importance are codeine, narcotine, papaverine, and thebaine. Interestingly Meconic acid is also found in Meconium, a substance typically present in the intestines of a newborn infant.
Traditionally, any exploration of Opium in homeopathy begins with a stark warning against its allopathic usage, as it tends to obscure the true homeopathic symptoms of a case. Hahnemann himself emphasized that Opium, in its provings, was a unique remedy that failed to induce even a single painful reaction.
During the 1960s, a popular phrase emerged that aptly captures the essence of the Opium state: 'Blissed-out.' This succinct phrase encapsulates a dreamy, tranquil, and euphoric state that closely mirrors the effects of various opiates.
However, it's important to note that Opium's 'secondary action' can be quite the opposite of this painlessness. In this phase, provers may experience numerous extreme pains and hyperesthesias, together with huge continuing fear . In clinical practice, we often witness manifestations of both ends of this spectrum, reflecting the complexity of this remedy.
Opium cases do not always fit the 'blissed-out' stereotype. In some instances, patients exhibit a hurried and intense demeanor, reminiscent of Nux Vomica. They possess a strong inclination for work, executing tasks rapidly and with remarkable clarity of mind. However, if these patients overexert themselves, they may transition into an entirely opposite state marked by confusion, drowsiness, and mental dullness. Remarkably, these two states can alternate within the same patient. Quite often the patient who needs Opium will experience disturbing fearful and traumatic flashbacks. One African patient sought my homeopathic care, and his case was deeply concerning:
He was diagnosed with AIDS and arrived at my clinic in a state of profound fear, with wide-eyed terror in his gaze. His ability to speak was severely impaired, and he shared that he was the nephew of a highly respected Ethiopian leader. He had endured the horrors of imprisonment in a concentration camp, where he contracted both syphilis and TB. During his confinement, he suffered extreme abuse and humiliation, and the traumatic experience continued to haunt him, causing severe sleeplessness.
For his treatment, I prescribed Opium 200, three times daily for a duration of seven days.
During our follow-up appointment the following week, I was amazed at the transformation in this patient. He was unrecognizable from the fearful individual who had walked into my clinic. His demeanor had shifted entirely, as he was now filled with laughter and engaging in cheerful conversation. Most notably, the paralyzing fear that had gripped him had completely dissipated.
This remarkable improvement underscores the potential of homeopathy to bring about profound healing and relief in even the most challenging cases.
We said at the beginning of this blog that shock can hide in curious ways. Here is a typical case example from Deborah Collins:
A young girl in her early teens was brought in for treatment due to a distressing birthmark on her leg. The birthmark was characterized by a large, bright red patch of skin that bore a striking resemblance to a burn, with visible veins protruding from the surface. The condition was so severe that she could not wear tight jeans, as the pressure from the fabric caused her skin to rupture and bleed. It was important to note that this birthmark had been present since her birth, and there had been no reported trauma during her mother's pregnancy.
Upon hearing of a recurring dream in which she faced the horrifying scenario of burning to death in a house fire, I decided to approach her case as though a past burn incident may be linked to her condition. As a starting point, I prescribed Opium 200C, which she took over several months.
Gradually, but consistently, we observed a remarkable transformation. The 'burned' appearance began to heal, and her skin gradually returned to a clear and healthy state.
This case illustrates the fascinating potential of homeopathy to address not only physical symptoms but also deeper emotional and psychological aspects that may be contributing to a patient's condition.
If you are experiencing anxiety, PTSD or depression why not book in for a FREE no obligation chat with me, Jonathan Stallick RSHom, when you can find out if homeopathy might be a beneficial path for yourself and have all your questions answered. BOOK HERE